In many parts of Europe and South America the messenger service WhatsApp is currently disturbed. There are currently problems in the Netherlands, Great Britain, and also in Germany .
In the social media users from all parts of Germany complain about problems with WhatsApp. There are also numerous reports of failures in Brazil and other South American countries..
According to some users, the problem was fixed after a restart of the smartphone. said 5 hrs ago that WhatsApp's confirmed to TechTudo that the messenger is experiencing instability but that the problem is not general and should be solved soon. The note sent by the company is short and does not present details: "we are aware of the issue and we are working to resolve it." said 5 hrs ago that WhatsApp's confirmed to TechTudo that the messenger is experiencing instability but that the problem is not general and should be solved soon. The note sent by the company is short and does not present details: "we are aware of the issue and we are working to resolve it."