The day of the autumn equinox:
The day of the autumn equinox in 2017 comes on September 22. Every year the date of the celebration of this day is changing.
On this day, the center of the Sun passes through the celestial equator. Day and night last for 12 hours. The next day the sun occupies the southern hemisphere, and the night begins to advance for a day. In the old days this holiday had two meanings: parting with the old and giving honors to the deceased.
In some parts of the world, the day is celebrated as a day without cars and use public transport.
Some attribute this practice to England (1997), others to France (1998). However, it should be mentioned that the first such actions were held back in 1973 as part of the oil crisis. And in December 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives of many countries called for the periodic holding of such events.
Some attribute this practice to England (1997), others to France (1998). However, it should be mentioned that the first such actions were held back in 1973 as part of the oil crisis. And in December 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives of many countries called for the periodic holding of such events.
Network Day (OneWebDay):
The main venue for the celebrations is Battery Park (New York, USA). Every year on September 22, online contests are organized in many cities (London, Vienna, Taipei, Naples, Belgrade and others), writing a better story about the interesting use of the Graigslist website, demonstration performances where they teach editing articles in Wikipedia and the ability to create and maintain online diaries .
World Elephant Day:
Many countries celebrate the day as the for Protection of Elephants. The initiator of the holiday was environmental organizations and environmentalists. After all, many are worried about the decline in the number of these animals. Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. Such animals are very intelligent and self-conscious.