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Lunar Eclipse

Partial Eclipse of the moon:

A partial lunar eclipse will be visible in parts of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia today. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth travels between the moon and the sun, when one the nodes of the moon comes closest to the sun on a full moon day, causing the shadow of the earth to fall on the moon. In India the partial eclipse will be visible between 10.55 PM today and 12.45 AM (about 2 hours) tomorrow.

In layman's language, during the eclipse today the full moon's brightness will slowly start reducing due to the earth's shadow falling on it (penumbral eclipse), and at a point in time a portion of the moon will become dark (partial eclipse),  on it coming directly behind the earth.

Source: Wikipedia                                     Then the reverse will happen. Slowly the moon       l                                                                   will move away from behind the earth, and then from its shadow to regain its full brightness. The total time of the eclipse, including the penumbral eclipse, is between 9.25 PM today and 2.20 AM (about 5 hours) tomorrow.

One can  watch the lunar eclipse live on

The next lunar eclipse will be on 31 January 2018 and will be visible from all parts of the sub-continent.

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