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Filistinliler Kudüs'teki kilit Arap desteğinden yoksundurlar

Bay Trump, Kudüs'le ilgili önemli kararı aldı:

Bay Trump Kudüs'ü İsrail'in başkenti olarak görmüş ve ABD Büyükelçiliğini Tel Aviv'den Kudüs'e kaydırma sürecine başlamayı emretmiştir.

Haber raporlarına göre, 1 Aralık'ta ABD Başkanları tarafından her 6 ayda bir imzalanan vazgeçme feragatnamesi Bay Trump tarafından imzalanmadı.

Ücretsiz Bitcoins ister misiniz, buraya tıklayın.
Her saat 200 $ kazanın

Arap ülkelerinin Tepkileri:

ABD Başkanı'nın Kudüs'ü İsrail'in başkenti olarak ilan etmesinin ardından ilk 24 saatte Ürdün Kralı Abdullah ve Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, ABD'nin tanınmasına karşı şiddetle çıktı.

BM Güvenlik Konseyi üyeleri, Cuma günü İngiltere ve çoğu Avrupa Birliği üyesi bir toplantıda ABD kararını kınadılar.

22 Arap devletinin cumhurbaşkanı Kahire'de toplanan 22 ülkeden dışişleri bakanları , ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın Kudüs'ü İsrail'in başkenti "tehlikeli ve kabul edilemez" ve İsrail-Filistin çatışmasına "siyasi bir çözüm üzerinde açık bir saldırı" olarak tanıma kararı aldı.

Trump'ın İsrail yanlısı eylemini kınayan harekete geçti, az sayıda Arap ülkesi buna karşı aktif bir şekilde karşı çıktı. Birçok Arap ve Körfez ülkesine (GCC), Filistin artık ilk Arap meselesidir. Kalkınma ve özgürlükle ilgileniyorlar ve ABD'yi askeri açıdan karşı koymak ya da ABD'yi antagonize etmek istemiyorlar. 

Suudi Arabistan Girişimi:

Bay Trump açıklama yapmadan önce, İsraillilerle Filistin arasındaki barış inisiyatifi için bir Suudi önerisi , Doğu Kudüs'ün yerine Filistin'in gelecekteki başkenti olan Abu Dis köyünü, yaygın öfkeyi karıştırarak öne sürdü.

İsrail kaynaklarına göre, Filistin Devlet Başkanı Mahmoud   Abbas, geçen hafta bir toplantı için Riyad'a çağrıldıktan sonra , Suudi Arabistan'ın Veliaht Prensi Muhammed Bin Salman tarafından bir ültimatom verildi . Bin Salman ,ABD'nin talimatıyla Abbas'a Donald Trump'ın İsrail-Filistin barış anlaşmasını geri almak ya da istifa etmek zorunda kaldığını söyledi.

 Arap ve Müslümanların Cevapları:

Dünya üzerindeki Arap ve Müslümanlar için Kudüs duygusal bir meseledir.ABD ve İsrail'e karşı dünya çapında spontane bir protesto yapıldı , ancak beklendiği kadar güçlü değil.

Arap rejimleri ciddi değildir ve açıklamalar yalnızca kamu tüketimine yöneliktir, çünkü insanlar dünya çapında gösterildiği gibi açıkça öfkelendiriliyor. Bu konuda Arap Birliği'nden çok az şey beklense de, sokaktaki protesto ve şiddetle ve aşırılık yanlısı örgütlerden sürpriz saldırılarla uğraşmaya hazır olmalılar.


Filistinliler Doğu Kudüs'ü Filistin'in başkenti yapmak istiyorlar. Dolayısıyla, diğer Arap uluslarının geri çevirmeleri olsun veya olmasın, bunu reddedecek herhangi bir hamele karşı direnilecek. 

Filistin'deki durum bir ateşte yanacak kadar yanıcı. İsrail'e karşı büyük çapta bir Filistinli terörist saldırı her zaman kartlarda ve çok sayıda can kaybına neden olan öfkeli bir mafyayla karşılaşan İsrail güvenlik güçleri için büyük bir salgın tetiklemekten çıkarılamıyor. 

לפלסטינים אין תמיכה ערבית מרכזית בירושלים

החלטתו החשובה של מר טראמפ על ירושלים:

מר טראמפ הכיר בירושלים כבירת ישראל והורה על תחילת תהליך העברת שגרירות ארה"ב מתל אביב לירושלים. 

על פי דיווחי החדשות, ויתור על המעבר, שנחתם כל שישה חודשים על ידי נשיאים אמריקאים, ב -1 בדצמבר, לא נחתם על ידי מר טראמפ. 

תגובת מדינות ערב:

ב -24 השעות הראשונות לאחר שנשיא ארה"ב הודיע ​​על הכרת ירושלים כבירת ישראל, רק מלך ירדן, עבדאללה, ונשיא טורקיה, טייפ ארדואן, יצאו בתוקף נגד ההכרה האמריקאית.

חברי מועצת הביטחון של האו"ם בישיבה ביום שישי, בריטניה ורוב חברי האיחוד האירופי גינו גם את החלטת ארה"ב.

שרי החוץ של 22 מדינות ערביות, אשר נפגשו בבירת מצרים, קהיר, כינו אתמול את החלטתו של נשיא ארה"ב, דונלד טראמפ, להכיר בירושלים כבירת ישראל "מסוכנת ובלתי מקובלת" ו"מתקפה בוטה על פתרון מדיני "לסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני.

מדינות ערביות רבות גינו את המעשה הפרו-ישראלי של טראמפ, אך אינן מתנגדות לו באופן פעיל. למדינות ערביות ומפרץיות רבות, פלסטין אינה הנושא הערבי הראשון. הם מעוניינים בפיתוח ובחופש, ואינם רוצים להתעמת עם ישראל באופן צבאי ולא להרגיז את ארצות הברית.

סעודיה היוזמה:

לפני הכרזתו של מר טראמפ, הציעה הצעה סעודית ליוזמת שלום בין ישראלים לפלסטינים את הכפר אבו דיס כבירתה העתידית של פלסטין במקום את ירושלים המזרחית, מה שגרם לכעס רחב.

לדברי מקורות ישראליים, הנשיא הפלסטיני מחמוד עבאס קיבל אולטימטום מהנסיך הכתר מוחמד סלמאן, לאחר שהוזמן לפגישה בשבוע שעבר. לבקשת ארה"ב, בן סלמאן אמר לעבאס כי עליו להסכים להסכם השלום הישראלי-פלסטיני של דונלד טראמפ או להתפטר.

  תגובת העם הערבי והמוסלמי:

עבור העולם הערבי והמוסלמי רחב, ירושלים היא סוגיה רגשית. יש מחאה ספונטנית עולמית נגד ארה"ב וישראל, אבל לא חזקה 
מספיק כצפוי.

המשטרים הערביים אינם רציניים וההצהרות הן רק לצריכה הציבורית, שכן האנשים כועסים בבירור, כפי שהוכח בכל העולם. בעוד הליגה הערבית אינה יכולה לפעול, עליהם להיות מוכנים להתמודד עם מחאה ואלימות ברחוב, וכמה התקפות פתע מצד ארגונים קיצוניים.

תגובה פלסטינית:

הפלסטינים רוצים להפוך את ירושלים המזרחית לבירת פלסטין. לכן כל מהלך שישלול זאת יתנגד אם מדינות ערביות אחרות יעזרו להן או לא.

המצב במדינה הוא דליק מספיק כדי להצית בכל עת. הטרור נגד ישראל הוא תמיד על הקלפים. לא ניתן לשלול את ההמון הפלסטיני שתוקף את כוחות הביטחון הישראליים.

Palestinians lack key Arabs support on Jerusalem

Mr Trump's important decision on Jerusalem:

Mr Trump has recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and ordered to begin the process of shifting the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

According to news reports, the waiver of shifting, signed every 6 months by US Presidents, due on 1st December, has not been signed by Mr Trump.

Arab countries' Response:

In the first 24 hours after the US President announced the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,  only Jordan’s King Abdullah and Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan came out strongly against the US recognition.

The UN Security Council members in a meeting on Friday, UK and most European Union members have also condemned the US decision. 

Foreign ministers from 22 Arab states meeting in Egypt's capital, Cairo, on Saturday have termed US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital "dangerous and unacceptable" and a "flagrant attack on a political solution" to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.

Having gone through the motions of condemning Trump’s pro-Israeli act, few Arab countries are actively opposing it. To many Arab and Gulf countries(GCC), Palestine is no more the first Arab issue. They are interested in development and freedom, and do not want to confront Israel militarily nor antagonise the US.

Saudi Arabia Initiative:

Before Mr Trump made the announcement, a Saudi proposal for a peace initiative between Israelis and Palestinians offered the village of Abu Dis as the future capital of Palestine instead of East Jerusalem, stirring widespread anger. 

According to Israeli sourcesPalestinian President Mahmoud  Abbas was given an ultimatum by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, after he was summoned to Riyadh last week for a meeting. At US behest, Bin Salman has told Abbas that he has to back Donald Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace deal or resign.

 Arab and Muslim People's Response:

For the Arab and Muslim people world wide, Jerusalem is an emotional issue. There has been world wide spontaneous protest against the US and Israel but not strong enough as anticipated.

The Arab regimes are not serious and the statements are only for public consumption, as the people are clearly outraged, as demonstrated world wide. While little can be expected from the Arab League on the issue, they have to be prepared to deal with protest and violence on the street, and some surprise attacks from extremist organisations.


Palestinians want to make East Jerusalem the capital of Palestine. So, any move which will negate that will be resisted, whether other Arab nations back them or not.

The situation in Palestine is inflammable enough to catch fire in a trice. A large-scale Palestinian terrorist attack against Israel is always on the cards, and the potential for Israeli security forces facing a raging mob  to inflict a large number of casualties cannot be ruled out for triggering a major outbreak.

The US and Iranian battle over the pistachio nut trade

Global sanctions may affect Iran pistachio exports:

The global peanut trade is facing unexpected turmoil due to tension between Iran and the United States.

International pistachio trade is worth several billion dollars and is growing in value as demand grows.

The United States and Iran control the global pistachio trade, controlling 70 to 80 percent of annual production in the last 10 years.

Over the past 40 years, Iran has been under pressure from sanctions and other restrictions. Although the pistachio itself is not banned, the restrictions on global banking system has put Iran in difficulties.

Things changed dramatically in 2016 after the nuclear agreement with Iran, which led to the easing of sanctions on Iran.

After the sanctions were relaxed, not only Iranian oil flowed into world markets, but Iranian pistachio exports found their way into international markets.

But Iranian pistachios export to international markets may face difficulties again. US President Donald Trump has warned that the US could end its commitment to the Iranian nuclear deal, signed under former President Barack Obama.

Read full article below,


Italian man sentenced to 24 years for infecting dozens of women with HIV

The man often found an excuse not to wear a condom:

An Italian man was sentenced on Friday (Oct 27) to 24 years in prison for infecting more than 30 women with the HIV virus, after having unprotected sex with them despite knowing that he was HIV positive, a court ruled.

Police believe he had sex with at least 53 women during that time, passing on the virus to 32 of them.

Sexual Wellness

The male partners of three of the women subsequently contracted the potentially fatal illness, as did an eight-month-old infant of a fourth woman.

The man often found an excuse not to wear a condom, telling his partners that he was allergic to them, or had just had an HIV test, the court in Rome heard.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic has killed around 35 million people worldwide since it began in the 1980s.

Read full article below,

A Study Says Regular Marijuana Users Have More Sex

Marijuana and Sex:

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has claimed that smoking the drug increased arousal negating the belief that smoking suppressed sexual desire.

The study was based on data from the US government's National Survey of Family Growth

The trend was similar for both women and men.

The result was based on heterosexual sex only, and  did not explain the  connection between sex and marijuana.

Earlier studies have also shown that too much marijuana use can decrease sperm count and orgasm may be a challenge.

Read more in the article below,

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JFK's Assassination- The Unanswered Questions

John F Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was shot dead on 22 November 1963. He was travelling in an open-topped limousine.
The Governor of Texas John Connally, who was sitting in front of the president, was wounded but survived.
Within an hour, Dallas policeman JD Tippit was also killed. Soon afterwards, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested.
Within 12 hours, he was charged with the killings of President Kennedy and JD Tippit.
On 24 November, Oswald was shot dead in the basement of the Dallas police department by Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner. The shooting was captured live on television.
Ruby was convicted of killing Oswald and sentenced to death. He appealed but died of cancer in 1967, before the retrial.
Read full article from below,

Netaji's daughter deplores female infanticide in India.

London, Oct 24 (PTI) Anita Bose Pfaff, daughter of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, has expressed her anguish at the killing of girls in India, Pakistan and other countries.

Delivering a lecture to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Proclamation of Netaji Subhas Bose's Provisional Government of Free India, here last night, Bose Pfaff said true emancipation of women is not only to their advantage, but also to the advantage of the population as a whole.

Quoting Netaji, she said "If you educate a man you educate one person, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family".

"If you look at the gender-specific composition of the population - more than half are men - something is seriously wrong. Girls are killed in India, Pakistan and other countries. Because this pattern does not occur naturally! If women's education and women's rights are improved this will also contribute towards population control," she said.

She noted that in spite of a fair track record in many walks of life, "India continues to be wrought by many overwhelming problems that need to be addressed".

Bose Pfaff said in order to improve the standard of living, India has to ensure economic growth. At the same time this has to be done with greater concern for the environment than what industrialised countries in the West and East have done.

She said resources have to be found that enable a steady investment in the education of the masses.

A further inroad into the improvement of public health has to be achieved.

"This is partly a matter of investment in health care, but more even an improvement in hygiene and the environment.

Clean water is a must for everyone," she said.

While Bose Pfaff said she is convinced of corruption being one of the most crippling problems of the country, she confessed she did not have the "faintest idea" how to address it.

Indian High Commissioner to the UK, Y K Sinha said India has a prime minister (Narendra Modi) who is "incorruptible".

"He has taken a missionary zeal to clean up India," the envoy said.

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"Google buys Apple for 9 billion": False sensation message shocked the stock market

 The day when a tech giant like Google takes over another tech giant like Apple will go down in history. On Tuesday it would have been almost so far: A spectacular sale was already taking place over a stock market.....

....In the media house Dow Jones, one regrets the mistake: "I take the today's unwanted and erroneous publication of test material very seriously," said managing director William Lewis the incident. Although the error was corrected after only two minutes and the false message was removed, a check of the processes was initiated.

Black Friday and no 666 are considered to bring bad luck

 Many associate the number 666 with the Devil. Friday the 13th has long been feared by the superstitious as a dreaded day of misfortune.

But, since 2006, Finnair has flown Flight 666 to Helsinki 21 times on Friday the 13th, according to the airline. 

The airline flew for the last time Flight 666 on 13th Friday this year. It will be changing its flight numbers at the end of the month, and Flight 666 will become Flight 954. 

To highlight that the belief about the numbers is only superstition, the airline has tweeted about its flight No.666 on 13th Friday.

To add to the pun, it has said that it has also a flight from SIN(Singapore) to HEL(Helsinki).

A Russian youth begging in front of Temple

People going to a Murugan Temple in Kanchipuram were surprised to see a foreign youth asking for alms with a cap in his hands.

Kanchipuram police, on hearing the news, took him to the police station and inquired about him. His name was Eviktini and  was from Russia. All his papers, passport, visa, etc., were in order. As his ATM card was locked out he could not withdraw cash and hence he resorted to begging in from of the Temple.

He has been sent to the Russian Consulate in Chennai and arrangements are being made to send him back to Russia.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 IS observed as...

The day of the autumn equinox:

The day of the autumn equinox in 2017 comes on September 22. Every year the date of the celebration of this day is changing.
On this day, the center of the Sun passes through the celestial equator. Day and night last for 12 hours. The next day the sun occupies the southern hemisphere, and the night begins to advance for a day. In the old days this holiday had two meanings: parting with the old and giving honors to the deceased.

Day without a car:

In some parts of the world, the day is celebrated as a day without cars and use public transport.  
Some attribute this practice to England (1997), others to France (1998). However, it should be mentioned that the first such actions were held back in 1973 as part of the oil crisis. And in December 1994, during a conference in Spain, representatives of many countries called for the periodic holding of such events.

Network Day (OneWebDay):

The main venue for the celebrations is Battery Park (New York, USA). Every year on September 22, online contests are organized in many cities (London, Vienna, Taipei, Naples, Belgrade and others), writing a better story about the interesting use of the Graigslist website, demonstration performances where they teach editing articles in Wikipedia and the ability to create and maintain online diaries .

World Elephant Day:

Many countries celebrate the day as the for Protection of Elephants. The initiator of the holiday was environmental organizations and environmentalists. After all, many are worried about the decline in the number of these animals. Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. Such animals are very intelligent and self-conscious.

Trumps's Animated GIF tweet on Hillary

On September 12, Hillary's new book, "What Happened," hit the shelves. The book chronicles Clinton's loss in the 2016 presidential election and tries to explain why she lost the presidential election.

In an interview on Sept. 13, former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said it was time for the United States to change its way of electing the president and calling for a quit election.

 Hillary won more popular votes than rival Donald Trump, but Trump got more electoral votes. Mr. Trump obtained 304 electoral votes and won the presidency while Hillary won only 227 electoral votes.

In recent years, there have been complaints that the US presidential election system may not be fair, as it makes some votes more important than others. Under US law, each state has a certain electorate, based on its population. So a large state like California will have 55 electoral votes, while a smaller state like North Dakota will have only 3 electoral vote.

In her book, Clinton blames her election loss on Bernie Sanders, former FBI Director James Comey, the Russians, and even the mainstream media.

President Trump said "Hillary Clinton blames everyone and everything except herself for failing to get the required electoral votes, and Hillary lost the debate and lost her way. ". 

Meanwhile, some Trump supporters have trolled Hillary on twitter in one of which, an animated GIF created splicing together two separate footage, Trump swings a golf stick and the ball hits Hillary knocking her down.

Source credit:,, 

Apple's Tenth Anniversary iPhone

iPhone X:

The iPhone X is the smartest smartphone in the world today. It is a special product to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the launch of the first iPhone, which is considered to be a breakthrough and significantly different from its predecessors.


The price of the iPhone X 64GB version in the US will be $ 999 and its equivalent in other European countries making it the most expensive phone ever.


The phone was unveiled at an event in California last week. Its official release, which was earlier postponed by a month and a half, will be on 3rd November. Booking will begin on 27th October and, it is expected that, 30 to 40 million phones will be shipped before the year end, which will be about 30 to 40 billion dollars worth of sales.


The iPhone X is easily the most advanced iPhone yet. Its unique design feature is the HDR-capable OLED display stretching from edge to edge.

 The back is made of glass instead of metal to allow wireless charging. Instead of a traditional fingerprint scanner, the iPhone X uses Face ID facial recognition, while navigation gestures compensate for the lack of a home button. 

The dual camera at the back allows for 2X optical zoom, and Portrait mode with studio lighting effects is available both when taking selfies and regular photos.

iOS 11 runs on it out of the box, introducing augmented reality applications, a redesigned App Store, a new Control Center layout, and a number of UI refinements.


North Korea fires 2nd missile over Japan in a month

North Korea launched another missile on Friday, following its first launch, from the same airport, more than a week ago. 

The missile was launched from Sunan, the site of Pyongyang's international airport. It flew over northern Japan before landing in the Pacific Ocean, according to U.S. Pacific Command.

The missile, its longest ever, reached an altitude of about 770 kilometres and flew for about 19 minutes over a distance of about 3700 kilometres, according to South Korea's military, far enough to reach the US Pacific territory of Guam.

The launch comes in the wake of UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea over its September 3rd Nuclear test. The UN Security Council is to meet again at 3 PM on  Friday at the request of the United States and Japan.



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5.Snap-up process(5 steps): Snap-up page -> Product Page(rush to buy) -> Check out with Paypal -> Payment success.

6.If you miss the deal, don't hesitate to check constantly for a new offers.

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